

Movie 1

Mitotic PtK1 cell induced to enter anaphase precociously by Mad2DC microinjection. Two lagging chromosomes are present in anaphase

 The tip of the microinjection needle is visible in the first frame. Phase contrast pictures where acquired every 30 seconds. Each frame is played for 1/10th of a second. The cell enters anaphase precociously and displays two lagging chromosomes.

Movie 2

Mitosis in PtK1 cell expressing GFP-g-tubulin (red)

Phase contrast and fluorescence images were acquired almost simultaneously every 2 minutes, using a 4X4 binning. Each frame is played for 1/10th of a second. Centrosomes (red) are well separated and localized on opposite sides of the nucleus when nuclear envelope breaks down.

Movie 3

Mitotic PtK1 cell expressing GFP-g-tubulin (red) and showing a lagging chromosome in anaphase

 Phase contrast and fluorescence images were acquired almost simultaneously every 2 minutes, using a 4X4 binning. Each frame is played for 1/10th of a second. This cell shows a chromosome lagging behind when all the others migrate to the spindle poles in anaphase.